Personal Portfolio

Personal Portfolio

Development of a personal website using Astro, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS, focusing on performance, SEO, and internationalization.

Astro TypeScript TailwindCSS i18n ESLint GitHub Actions

Project Goals

  • Create a platform to showcase my work professionally;
  • Demonstrate proficiency in modern market technologies;
  • Implement development best practices and architecture;
  • Ensure performance and accessibility;
  • Enable complete content internationalization;

Technology Stack

Framework and Tools

  • Astro as the main framework
  • TypeScript for static typing
  • TailwindCSS for styling
  • ESLint and Prettier for code quality
  • Git for version control
  • GitHub Actions for CI/CD

Performance and SEO

The project implements several optimizations, including:

  • Static site generation with Astro;
  • Image lazy loading;
  • Production code minification;
  • Automatic sitemap, robots.txt, and web manifest;


The site features full support for both Portuguese and English in the interface and posts, with automatic language detection based on visitor browser preferences and URL routing.

Interface and Experience

  • Responsive design
  • Light/dark theme
  • Smooth animations

Directory Structure:

└── /./                
    ├── public/
    │   └── fonts/            
    ├── .github/            
    │   └── workflows/         # CI/CD Workflows
    └── src/
        ├── types/             # TypeScript type definitions
        ├── content/           # Portfolio projects in Markdown
        │   └── projects/  
        │       ├── images/
        │       ├── pt-br/
        │       └── en/
        ├── utils/             # Utility functions
        ├── styles/            # Global CSS styles
        ├── components/        # Reusable Astro components
        ├── layouts/           # Base page layouts
        ├── i18n/              # Translation files and helper methods
        ├── assets/            # Static resources
        │   └── images/        # Site images
        └── pages/             # Application routes
            └── [lang]/ 
                └── projects/ 
                    └── [...slug].astro 



Project page

The complete source code is available on GitHub as a reference for other developers.

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